Nari Bikash Sangh (NBS) is a social service oriented, nonprofit and non government organization (NGO) established in 1980 with a view of facilitating value based development of rural poor, disadvantaged, and underprivileged woman. NBS is a member-based organization and is mobilizing its volunteers at different levels to achieve the goals of the organization. At present, there are 2230 volunteers members, which include life long members(260) and general members (1970). It has 4 Regional and 23 Branch Offices scattered throughout the country. NBS works in the following districts- Panchthar, Illam, Jhapa, Morang, Dhankuta, Sunsari, Saptari, Sindhuli, Parsa, Makwanpur, Kathmandu and Rupendehi of Nepal. The branch offices are mobilizing 312 women's SHG groups and 31 cooperatives, which are comprised of 30000 members. The sustainability of women's groups through the promotion of people's organization is the main focus of the organizations. NBS is committed to apply a rights based approach in all its work.
Currently, it is providing direct services to approximately 100,000 women from poor and marginalized families. It has 89 paid staff members (74 female and 15 male). It also to a large extent builds on voluntary effort by its members. NBS is the proprietor of infrastructure suitable for running proposed programmes of the kind. It has its own training hall and own office building in six places Illam regional office, Garamani branch office, Belbari branch office, Urlabari branch office, Salakpur branch office, Kerabari branch office. It has land property in different districts and VDCs. NBS has a long experience in the area of community mobilization under the different projects and programmes supported by national and international donor agencies. We have a notable experience of social mobilization in rehabilitation of more than 500 community.
Executive boards that function at branch, regional, govern NBS and central levels respectively. At each level, an annual assembly is held. The central level annual assembly is the highest one and has the authority to formulate and make amendments to organizational policy and strategies (according to feedback and suggestions submitted by the branch and regional boards). Representatives from all the branches and regions participate as members of the central level annual assembly. At each level, the executive committees are selected on the basis of fair and democratic election processes.
Our Vision :
Women of Nepal will be self-dignified by enjoying their right with constructing equitable society.
Our Mission :
The mission of Nari Bikash Sangh is to construct well off society through empowerment, capacity development, social mobilization and advocacy to achieve women's economic, social and political rights.</p
Our Goals :
Our Objectives :
Organizations' main objective is to organize target group for their social, economics & educational development for self sustained the Nation's women overall welfare & progress through social service.
Location: NBS Central office Meeting Hall